Quiénes Somos
Financial FDL began operations on May 3 of the 2016, After meet the requirements and be approved by the Superintendency of banks and other financial institutions, SIBOIF.
At the start of operations, Financial FDL, directors receive a portfolio of US $ 90.0 placed millions in 70.0 thousand customers, distributed in: agricultural sector: $31.5 million, (35%) improvement of housing US$ 24.3 million, (27%) trade and service $28.8 million, (32%) and consumption with $5.4 million, (6%).
Our goal is to offer financial products that contribute to national development through the capitalization of families, mainly rural; for which, In addition to credit, We offer non-financial services by means of strategic alliances. In this way provides technical assistance and training, support in the marketing of agricultural products, and safety in the investments made by our customers.
Mision, Vision & Values
"Financial FDL is a regulated financial institution whose purpose is to provide financial services to the population. We develop special efforts to attend to the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as to employees and urban and rural people, in order to promote financial sustainability and social and environmental development of our customers'.
Financial FDL is displayed as a national leader, and an important actor at the regional level, in the provision of financial services to the rural and urban sectors serving, offering a range of products and services highly technified, to facilitate the expansion of financial inclusion and to respond to the demands of customers in the development of their economic or personal activities, In addition to promoting appropriate partnerships, either for the provision of financial services or to favour them relying on services non-financial.
1. Equidad en el acceso a los servicios.
2. Ética profesional.
3. Espíritu de servicio.
4. Respeto.
5. Honradez. .
6. Tolerancia ideológica.
7. Eficiencia y eficacia.
8. Cultura de innovación y Desarrollo de Personal.
Board of Directors

Main Executives
Financial FDL is member of:

Stategic Alliances FDL
This allows our customer capitalized or improve their business, through the acquisition of an asset, with the guarantee of a good investment, the supplier is responsible for their quality. Teams that are available include: solar panels, two and three-wheel motorcycle, ovens, among others.
This type of financing is carried out in partnership with exporting companies, with which the customer can market their produce at a good price, In addition to technical assistance to ensure the quality required by international markets. Products that are financed include cassava, Sesame, among others.
This is offered to customers of associated cooperatives, you require short and medium-term credits, and with the support provided by the Association to which they belong. It has partnership with cooperatives of milk and coffee.
Mediante una alianza con Air Pak/Western Union

Corporate Social Responsibility
For a stronger education and comprehensive training of children, children and young people, mainly from poor families, served in schools managed by faith and joy which is an international movement of comprehensive Popular education and Social promotion, Financial FDL supports this noble cause as part of Corporate Social responsibility.
Financial FDL, It is identified with the Mission of faith and joy that contributes to the formation of the new person and the transformation of society through Popular education of quality and Social promotion, Working preferentially for, and with the poor.
Financial FDL, all partners promote Conference for the environment at the national level.
Institutional Background
Financial FDL, It has its origin in the Local Development Fund Association, FDL, created in the year 1993 by the Nitlapan Institute, which transfers their assets, staff, methodology, portfolio and clients, and its condition of institution leader in the provision of services financial to the entrepreneurs of the micro, small and medium enterprises, in the rural sector, as in the urban sector.
Since its creation is leader in the provision of services financial mainly in the sector rural.
Our main ally from long ago is Nitlapan development of the Central American University and Research Institute (UCA), whose services allow that those small entrepreneurs rural improve their skills productive, that you generate a better insertion in the market, increasing income. These entrepreneurs are treated in our portfolio of investment and development.
The experience in credit Rural, It is internationally recognized. Each year officers of FDL are invited to share experience in other institutions of the continent, through forums, consulting and consultants for the creation of products according to this sector.