What is it?
Is a program that financial FDL (FDL), he drives to attract talent in training and give them the opportunity of decent employment in accordance with their skills, talents and skills. As an institution committed to the professional and human development, FFDL has forged a relationship with the University community through their employment or direct Academy exchanges to capture this reservoir of talent and invite them to live an experience as interns in our instruction from the year 2013.
How to apply for the program?
You can participate by sending your CV and letter of solitude of internship supported by your University address
You also have two additional options:
- Take it to the FDL branches present in the territory where you live.
- Leave it at the headquarters (Traffic lights Villa Fontana 2 1/2 c east, Financial Building
Who can partcipate?
All student University of IV and V year of your career.
What benefits get to the participating in our program?
- Possibility of future employment depending on your performance.
- Full-funded FDL-funded training and training.
- Expand your knowledge of the financial sector and train in our business methodologies.
- You perceive an economic aid during the internship.
Pasantía Oficial de Crédito
Estas pasantías están disponibles para las siguientes sucursales: Chinandega, Leon, Rio Blanco; Managua, Rivas, Jinotepe, Maniguas, San José de Bocay, El Cuá, Pantasma.
Requisitos: Académicos: Estudiante universitario de los últimos años de las carreras administrativas, financieras y agropecuarias.
Competencias Técnicas: Dominio de paquete Office, aptitudes en venta.
Nota: Se solicita al candidato ubicar nombre de la plaza en el asunto del correo.